
Vikings is an action TV show that was made by the History Channel, and it was released on Mar 03, 2013 and it is still ongoing. Due to the channel's network standards the TV broadcast had to get a TV-14 rating. As a result violence and sexuality was toned down.


USA Censorship

History Channel

Season One

  • Episode 1
  1. The scene that shows Ragnar, his son Björn, and Rollo sitting in a tavern was shortened. As a result it is no longer clear that the boy is drunk.
  2. The scene that shows Earl's mutilated corpse was shortened.
  • Episode 2
  1. The scene that shows Siggi and Olafurl lying in bed was shortened.
  2. The scene that shows Ragnar and Lagertha fighting each other a bit as Ragnar tries to get in between her legs was cut.
  3. The scene that shows Rollo sexually assaulting the slave girl was shortened.
  4. The scene that shows the Vikings killing a monk was cut.
  5. The scene that shows a Viking using a axe to kill a monk was cut.
  6. The scene where you hear a character dying off screen was cut.
  7. The scene that shows a guy getting thrown onto the ground was cut.
  8. The scene that shows a guy getting beaten to death was cut.
  9. The scene that shows Rollo grabbing someone who was feeling in the street, and kills him was cut.
  10. The scene that shows a man being beaten to death was cut.
  11. The scene that shows a close up on blood splattering onto a cross was cut.
  12. The scene that shows Rollo kicking a monk till her dies was cut.
  • Episode 4
  1. The scene that shows Knut raping a woman was shortened.
  2. The scene where Lagertha comes in and tells Kunut to stop was cut.
  3. The scene that shows Knut raping a woman was shortened.
  4. The scene that shows Knut pushing Lagertha aside was cut.
  5. The scene that shows Knut fighting Lagertha was cut.
  6. The scene that shows Knut killing the woman he just raped was cut.
  7. The scene that shows Lagertha holding Knut's pennis was cut.
  • Episode 5
  1. The scene where Bjorn is asking Helga if she could help his wounded father was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version she is wearing clothes in the uncensored version she is nude.
  2. The scene where Floki and Helga invite their friend Torstein to a threesome was cut.
  • Episode 6
  1. The scene that shows Ragnar and Lagertha having sex was shortened.
  • Episode 7
  1. The scene that shows a close up on the Pig head was shortened.
  2. The scene that shows the sword being pulled out of the guy's face was cut.
  3. The scene that shows the shieldmaiden slitting her enemies throat was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the blood and gore was reduced.
  • Episode 8
  1. The orgy scene was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version alternate camera takes were used, as a result you never see them having sex.
  2. The scene that shows one of the nude woman getting up was modified for the History Channel. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on the man's face.
  3. The scene that shows Athelstan noticing two naked people was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on his face.
  4. The scene that shows Athelstan and Thyri having sex was shortened.
  5. The scene that shows Thyri washing Athelstan was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on their backs.
  6. The scene that shows a close up on the victims throat was cut.
  7. The scene that shows a close up on the victims throat being slit was cut.
  8. The scene that shows a close up on the bloody hatchet was cut.
  9. The scene that shows the priest offering the blood to the God was cut.
  • Episode 9
  1. The scene that shows a distance shot of Aslaug nude was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version she is not nude.
  2. The scene that shows Aslaug nude was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on Aslaug's side, as a result you can no longer see her butt and breasts.
  3. The scene that shows Aslaug nude was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the scene was shortened and the camera zooms in on her back, as a result you can no longer see her butt and breasts.
  4. The scene that shows Aslaung looking at the camera was modified for the History Channel. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on her head.

Season Two

  • Episode 2
  1. The scene that shows a man skinny dipping was cut.
  2. The scene that shows the man who was skinny dipping getting killed by a arrow was cut.
  • Episode 3
  1. The scene that shows Thelstan cutting the priest's throat was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera shows the back of the priest's neck.
  • Episode 4
  1. The scene where Siggy says to Rollo that she not only says that she does not want to sleep but rather fuck was cut.
  2. The scene that shows Jesus on the cross in one of the books pages was cut.
  3. The scene that shows a close up on the page that shows Jesus bleeding on the cross was cut.
  • Episode 5
  1. The scene that shows a close up on a hatchet in the man's head was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera was zoomed out.
  2. The scene that shows Ragnar and Bjorn walking over to the head was cut.
  3. The scene that shows Ragnar pulling the hatchet out of the man's head was cut.
  • Episode 6
  1. The scene that shows Siggy removing her dress was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version it was slightly less explicit.
  2. The scene that shows Erlendur walking towards Siggy was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on Siggy's head.
  3. The scene that shows Porunn nude was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on her head, as a result you can no longer see her breasts.
  • Episode 7
  1. The scene that shows Rollo and Siggy having sex was shortened, and modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on their faces.
  2. The scene that shows a close up on a pool of blood on the wooden floor was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the amount of blood was reduced.
  3. The scene that shows Ragnar hitting Jarl Borg in the back with a hatchet was cut.
  4. The scene that shows Ragnar and Jarl Borg fighting was shortened.
  5. The scene that shows Ragnar pulling Jarl Borg's ribs from his spin was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on Ragnar.
  6. The scene that shows a close up on Jarl Borg was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the lung that was put on his arm was digitally removed.
  • Episode 8
  1. The scene that shows blood splashing onto Rollo was cut.
  2. The scene that shows Ragnar leaving his child in the wood was cut.
  3. The scene that shows the voyeur pleasing himself while watching Lagertha was cut.
  4. The scene that shows King Ecbert and Princess Kwenthrith having sex was shortened.
  5. The line "fuck" was changed to "love"
  • Episode 9
  1. The scene that shows Porunn going skinny dipping was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on her legs.
  2. The scene that shows Porunn swimming nude was cut.
  • Episode 10
  1. The scene that shows people nude dancing around the table was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version they are wearing clothes.
  2. The scene that shows Athelstan imaging seeing Jesus was cut.
  3. The scene that shows Ragnar heading butting King Horik a second time was cut.
  4. The scene that shows Ragnar beating up King Horik was cut.
  5. The scene that shows Ragnar sitting in bed with Lagertha and Aslaug was cut.

Season Three

  • Episode 1
  1. The scene where Ragnar asks Athelstan if he would still refuse if he and Lagertha offered to share a bed together was cut.
  • Episode 3
  1. The scene that shows Lagertha seeing a nude painting was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on Lagertha.
  2. The scene that shows Judith nude was cut.
  3. The scene that shows Lagertha and Ecbert fooling around while they are in the bathhouse was cut.
  4. The scene that shows Athelstan getting out of the bath was cut.
  5. The scene that shows Lagertha and Ecbert having sex was cut.
  • Episode 4
  1. The scene that shows Aslaug and Harbard having sex was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the scene was shortened and made less explicit.
  2. The scene that shows Athelstan and Judith having sex was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the scene was shortened and made less explicit.
  3. The scene that shows two girls in bed nude was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version they are wearing clothes.
  • Episode 6
  1. The scene that shows Judith's ear being cut off was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version a person's arm is blocking the view as a result you never actually see the ear coming off.
  2. The scene that shows Judith screaming was replaced with a shot of civilians talking to each other.
  3. The scene that shows Porunn breastfeeding her baby was cut.
  4. The scene that shows Bjorn and Torvi having sex was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version it was shortened and made less explicit.

Season Four

  • Episode 2
  1. The scene that shows a close up on severed heads in a box was cut.
  • Episode 3
  1. The scene that shows Erlendur having sex was cut.
  2. The scene that shows two people having sex was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the scene was shortened and made less explicit.
  3. The scene that shows Judith nude was cut.
  4. The scene that shows Kwenthrith and Judith in a bath was cut.
  5. The scene that shows Bjorn getting rid of the bear skin was modified for the History Channel broadcast. In the History Channel version the camera zooms in on Bjorn, as a result you can no longer see his butt.
  • Episode 4
  1. The scene that shows Rollo and Gisla having sex was shortened.
  • Episode 5
  1. The scene that shows Ragnar and Yidu having sex was shortened, and in the TV broadcast Yidu doesn't moan as much as she does in the Blu-Ray.
  2. The scene that shows Ragnar carefully using the knife on Yidu's arm was shortened.

Where to find it uncensored

The Blu-Ray is completely uncensored.
